Polling of likely voters in the 2024 presidential election nationwide, for DailyMail.com.

J.L. Partners surveyed 1,000 likely general election voters using a mixed method approach between 20th - 24th March 2024 Respondents were randomly sampled from a modeled universe of likely voters across the US derived from a national voter file. Data was quota-ed and weighted on region, 2020 presidential vote (interlocked with age and race), partisan ID, gender, education, density and participation in previous general elections.

The sample distribution was as follows:

Live landline call for 160 responses (16%)

Live cell call for 240 responses (24%)

SMS for 400 responses (40%)

In-app for 200 responses (20%)

1,000 additional respondents were contacted using online methodology for views on a range of attitudes separate from voting intention.

Report (voting intention): Download

Tables (voting intention): Download

Report (attitudes): Download

Tables (attitudes): Download


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